May 14, 2012

AIDS cases in New York State

My map contains data of number of AIDS cases in each county of New York State in 2008.  The data came from the New York State Department of Health and the source is from the Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Data as of May, 2011.  It concludes the total amount of cases in 2008, total population, and the AIDS rate per 100,000 people.  The highest number of cases of AIDS is in the Bronx with a rate of 58.8%.  Essex, Hamilton, Lewis and Wyoming counties all have a rate of 0%.  I divided up the information into 4 columns ranging from 0-3, 3-5, 5-15, and 15-59.  The color selection ranges from light red to dark red; with light red meaning a low number of cases and dark red meaning a high number of cases. From the Department of Health of New York State cases that were confirmed in March 2000, information showed that overall, females had a higher number of cases reported than males during heterosexual contact.    

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